We are in process of acquiring the building and need founding members.
Our plan is to Organize, Finance and Develop The Irish Heritage Center
The plan for organizational structure of the center is:
- An organization to be known as 6125 Ridge, LLC is hereby formed
- A Full membership with voting privileges shall be awarded for each $5,000 invested in the LLC prior to the purchase of the building. (Cost of membership will escalate in the future as determined by the trustees)
- Multiple membership units may be owned by a single individual, as may partial units · The LLC will purchase the building located at 6125 Ridge Ave, Cincinnati
- The LLC will birth a Sec. 501.3 (C) Non-Profit Corporation known as the Irish Heritage Center which will be housed in the building.
- One or the other organization will operate the facility
- The purpose of the organizations includes, but is not limited to, the preservation and promotion of the Irish culture through its mythology, music, dance, song, literature, language, visual arts, theater and sports.
Individuals wishing to invest financially should mail a check payable to James V. Magee, Attorney at Law, Trust Account, to Tom Hogan, PO Box 8103, Cincinnati, OH 45208 to establish their membership. These monies will be used only to purchase the property at 6125 Ridge Rd. and no other property. The account opened by JV Magee is an escrow account.
Contact the Administrator for more information.
May the roof above us never fall in and may the friends gathered below it never fall out.